Meet Our Groups

Wel­come to the South Bend Clin­ic’s OBG­YN ser­vices. We are proud to offer excep­tion­al groups of experts ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing top-notch care for wom­en’s health needs. 

Below are the affil­i­at­ed groups:

Michi­ana Obstet­rics and Gynecology 

- Jes­si­ca Basham, MD

- Allen Clark, MD

- Day­na M. Cox, MD

- MacKen­zie Aust­gen, MD

- Daniel F. Czar­nec­ki, MD

- Sloan Shah, MD

- Raj Shah, MD

- Michelle Scott, MD

South Bend Clin­ic OBG­YN Associates

- Sara Baum­gart­ner, MD

- Maria Vir­na Evan­ge­lista, MD

- Emi­ly Heasley, MD

- Nan­cy Keller-Mad­den, MD

- Thalia R. Pachiyan­nakis, MD

- Olivia Price, PA‑C

- Shan­non L. Roach, FNP‑C

- Zhi­quan Zhao, MD

Please note: Dr. Zhi­quan Zhao, is not affil­i­at­ed with Michi­ana Obstet­rics and Gyne­col­o­gy or South Bend Clin­ic OBG­YN Asso­ciates call groups.