Same day appointments with providers who know you.
We offer comprehensive check-ups focusing on your child's health history. With same-day and next-day appointments, plus extended hours, we make it easy to fit into your busy schedule.
Don't Let Back-to-School Sneak Up on You!
Take the stress out of your back-to-school preparations by scheduling your child's physical with an SBC provider. Our detailed exams provide essential insights into your child's growth and development year after year, ensuring they’re ready to excel this school year.
We offer comprehensive check-ups focusing on your child's health history. With same-day and next-day appointments, plus extended hours, we make it easy to fit into your busy schedule.
The State of Indiana Certificate of Child Health Examination form must be submitted to your child’s school at the following grades:
Your provider’s office will provide a completed State of Indiana Certificate of Child Health Examination form at your appointment.