Donald Westerhausen, MD


Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

My knowl­edge of inter­ven­tion­al car­di­ol­o­gy, state-of-the-art car­di­ol­o­gy care, and con­tacts through­out the state are ide­al for pro­vid­ing gen­er­al car­di­ol­o­gy ser­vices to my patients. I spend time talk­ing to my patients and research­ing their med­ical records. Know­ing the patient and their med­ical his­to­ry is essen­tial to diag­nos­ing most prob­lems. Also, edu­cat­ing the patient and their fam­i­ly about their med­ical sit­u­a­tion and how they will be treat­ed is just as impor­tant. I under­stand that patients can be over­whelmed by infor­ma­tion, so I fre­quent­ly print bul­let points out­lin­ing their issues and treat­ment strat­e­gy. Clear under­stand­ing often aids in the heal­ing process. I strive to accom­plish that goal with each patient.

Board Certifications
Internal Medicine, Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology
Awards & Accolades
Motarboard Honor Society, Northwestern University 1981
Alpha Omega Alpha, University of Minnestota Medical School 1985
John S. Miller Award for Outstanding Resident, Parkland Memorial Hospital 1988
American Heart Association-Missouri Affiliate Fellowship 1989
American Federation for Clinical Research- Outstanding Trainee Award 1990
President- Indiana Chapter of the American College of Cardiology 2019
Excellence in Advocacy Award, American College of Cardiology 2021
Clinical Interests

I’m inter­est­ed in any­thing relat­ed to the heart and car­dio­vas­cu­lar sys­tem. If I am not the right per­son to han­dle your spe­cif­ic issue, I know where you can be referred.

Personal Interests

I was a walk-on in foot­ball at North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty in Evanston, IL., so I am an avid North­west­ern Uni­ver­si­ty ath­let­ics fan, espe­cial­ly foot­ball. My wife and I love to exer­cise. Present­ly, we go to Orange The­o­ry reg­u­lar­ly. Over the last 10 – 15 years, I have been involved with a group that trains to climb cer­tain moun­tains (so far only in the low­er 48) and then does so. I also enjoy spend­ing time with my chil­dren and grand­chil­dren, vol­un­teer­ing at my church and the Indi­ana Chap­ter of the Amer­i­can Col­lege of Car­di­ol­o­gy, and being an active mem­ber of the St. Joseph Coun­ty Demo­c­ra­t­ic Party.

Fellow American College of Cardiology Indiana State Medical Association
Memorial Hospital
615 N Michigan St South Bend,, Indiana 46601 574-647-1000 Get Directions
Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center
5215 Holy Cross Parkway Mishawaka, Indiana 46545 574-335-5000 Get Directions
University of Minnesota Graduation Date: 1985 Degree: MD
University of Texas-Southwestern at Dallas/Parkland Memorial Hospital Internal Medicine
Washington University-St. Louis/Barnes Hospital Cardiovascular Disease
Provider’s Publications
Transciptional and post-transcriptional regulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 mRNA in Hep G2 cells by epidermal growth factor
Multiple transforming growth factor-B inducible elements regulate expression of the plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 gene in Hep G2 cells
Augmentation of expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in Hep G2 cells by specific factors released from platelets
Is direct PTCA superior to thrombolysis in treating AMI's?
A novel protein interacts with the major transforming growth factor-beta responsive element in the plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 gene
Provider’s Research
Assessment of Clinical Effects of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Inhibition with Evacetrapib in Patients at a High-Rick for Vascular Outcomes A randomized, double-blind, parallel group, multicentre phase 3b study to compare ticagrelor with clopidogrel treatment on the risk of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction and ischaemic stroke in patients with established Peripheral Artery Disease Study of Access Site for Enhancement of PCI for Women Treatment with ADP receptor inhibitor: Longitudinal Assessment of Treatment Patterns and Events after Acute Coronary Syndrome A Phase 3b, Multi-Center, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group, Study to Evaluate the Effect of Dalcetrapib 600mg on Cardiovascular (CV) Events in Adult Patients with Stable Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), CHD Risk Equivalents or at Elevated Risk for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)