Mei Wang, NP

Family Medicine

Practices In: South Bend
Patients Seen: All Ages

I embrace a patient-cen­tered care phi­los­o­phy. I am a col­lab­o­ra­tor in your jour­ney towards bet­ter health, work­ing with you to make informed deci­sions about your care. Addi­tion­al­ly, I prac­tice evi­dence-based med­i­cine. How­ev­er, I under­stand that each patient is unique, and I am open to tai­lor­ing treat­ments to your spe­cif­ic cir­cum­stances when necessary.

Board Certifications
Family Medicine
English, Mandarin
Clinical Interests

I have a strong pas­sion for pre­ven­ta­tive care and assist­ing indi­vid­u­als in man­ag­ing chron­ic health con­di­tions. I believe that by focus­ing on pre­ven­tion, we can reduce the bur­den of ill­ness and improve over­all well-being.

Personal Interests

I find joy in nur­tur­ing my green, leafy plants and also enjoy music and traveling.

Aurora University Graduation Date: 2016 Degree: BSN