Cardiac Testing

Com­pre­hen­sive Car­diac Test­ing Ser­vices — In addi­tion to nuclear and echocar­dio­g­ra­phy stud­ies, DuPage Med­ical Group offers a com­plete range of oth­er non­in­va­sive car­diac test­ing. These tests elec­tron­i­cal­ly mon­i­tor heart activ­i­ty over an extend­ed peri­od of time. While meth­ods may dif­fer, the over­all goal of all car­diac test­ing is to obtain a thor­ough under­stand­ing of your heart. Elec­tro­car­dio­g­ra­phy (EKG) and EKG Stress Test­ing — Records your heart’s elec­tri­cal impulse pat­terns at nor­mal and stress lev­els. 24-hour Holter Mon­i­tor­ing — A small, portable device records your heart’s elec­tri­cal activ­i­ty dur­ing dai­ly activ­i­ties. 30-day Event Mon­i­tor­ing — A small, portable device records your heart’s elec­tri­cal activ­i­ty over a long peri­od and enables you to trans­mit an event over phone lines.