
A colonoscopy is a test used to screen for col­orec­tal can­cer even before there are symptoms.

A colonoscopy allows your gas­troen­terol­o­gist to view the inner lin­ing of your large intes­tine, which includes both your colon and rec­tum, to search for ulcers, polyps (pre­can­cer­ous growths), tumors or inflam­ma­tion. A thin, flex­i­ble tube called a colono­scope is used to explore the large intes­tine. This tube has a small video cam­era attached, allow­ing your doc­tor to view the colon clear­ly and take video and pic­tures dur­ing the procedure.

If sus­pi­cious growths such as polyps are found, they can be removed dur­ing the colonoscopy pro­ce­dure and tis­sue sam­ples can be tak­en for fur­ther analysis.

A colonoscopy typ­i­cal­ly takes between 15 — 60 minutes.

Are you due for your screen­ing colonoscopy? 

If you have been putting it off or recent­ly turned 45, now is the time to get it sched­uled. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Col­orec­tal can­cer is pre­ventable when pre-can­cer­ous polyps are found and removed dur­ing a colonoscopy; that’s why screen­ing is so important. 

Take charge of your health and sched­ule your screen­ing colonoscopy by call­ing 630−967−1611.

Colonoscopy Resources:

Screen­ing vs. Diag­nos­tic Colono­scopies: What’s The Difference

The Colonoscopy Sur­vival Guide 

Col­orec­tal Can­cer FAQ

Col­orec­tal Can­cer Is On The Rise-How You Can Low­er Your Risk