MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy
A MRI-guided breast biopsy is used to take tiny samples of your breast tissue that can be studied under a microscope. During this procedure, an MRI machine is used to locate the tissue to be removed. This biopsy may prevent the need for an open (surgical) biopsy.
Preparing for a MRI-Guided Breast Biopsy
When scheduling your procedure, you will be asked a number of questions by the scheduler pertaining to:
- Anything that may or could be implanted in your body
- Any surgeries that you may have had previously
- If you are diabetic
- If you have had any allergic reactions to medications or medical imaging contrasts
- The possibility of pregnancy
- The date of your last menstrual cycle
These are all important questions that help screen you for anything that could be potentially contraindicative to putting you into the strong magnetic field that is used in performing your MRI exam. The information you give the scheduler is kept confidential and becomes a part of your medical record. Even though you may have answered these questions prior to your Diagnostic Breast MRI, due to the strong magnetic field being used, for your safety, they will be asked again.
Once you have been scheduled, the radiologist will review your Diagnostic Breast MRI and the reports from any recent Ultrasounds and/or biopsies to determine the site location for the MR Guided Biopsy.
The MRI appointment time will require about 90 minutes and requires the injection of a contrast material through an IV in an arm. You will be instructed to hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of fluids the day of your exam. You will also be instructed to keep yourself well hydrated after your exam has been completed in order to flush the injected contrast material completely out of your system as it travels from your bloodstream into your kidneys and then exits colorlessly through your urine.
After you arrive:
- You will be asked to review the screening questions asked during the scheduling process to make sure all answers are marked accurately
- You will also be asked to fill out a couple of additional forms that give both the technologist performing the exam as well as the radiologist reading your exam specific details about you and your medical history.
- An MR technologist will explain the procedure in detail and answer any questions prior to beginning the procedure.
- You will be asked to undress and will be given a gown to wear with instructions to put it on so that it opens in the front.
- You will also be asked to remove any other clothing that has metal such as snaps or zippers as well as jewelry and hair clips or pins, so it is recommended that you wear comfortable clothing.
- An IV will be started in your arm through which contrast will be injected at the appropriate time.
Once the exam is completed and the IV removed from your arm, you will have a non-compression mammogram and then be able to get dressed and go home.