Surgical Weight Loss Program

Bariatric Sur­gi­cal Options

Our weight loss team, com­prised of a bariatric sur­geon and advanced prac­tice providers, part­ners with you to estab­lish healthy habits that pro­mote a pos­i­tive qual­i­ty of life. You will receive a per­son­al­ized well­ness plan with a body com­po­si­tion analy­sis to help you estab­lish your weight loss goals. Our team also pro­vides ongo­ing sup­port and med­ica­tion management.

Our nurse prac­ti­tion­ers and reg­is­tered dieti­tians spe­cial­ize in weight man­age­ment ser­vices and offer high-qual­i­ty, com­pre­hen­sive care to improve your over­all health and well-being.

There are sev­er­al cen­tral com­po­nents to a suc­cess­ful weight loss pro­gram. Based on your weight loss goals and cur­rent health sta­tus, our team will design a per­son­al­ized well­ness plan uti­liz­ing a vari­ety of tools that may include:

  • Sur­gi­cal options.
  • Meal sup­ple­ment pro­gram, includ­ing pro­tein shakes.
  • Phys­i­cal activ­i­ty planning.
  • Behav­ior man­age­ment tools.
  • Med­ica­tion management.
  • Meta­bol­ic dis­ease management.
  • Pre­ven­ta­tive care recommendations.
  • Weight loss goals and nutri­tion therapy.